20 JAN 2015 by TGAW

 Chuck Stover on Making Use of Your Brain During Repetitiv...

It was a job. It was good exercise, great people there. It gave me a lot of time to think about design during the day because of the repetitive nature of the work. Kind of put half of my brain thinking about design questions and the other half to work. Then I would come home after work and get onto Sketch-Up and work on designs until I passed out.
Folksonomies: 3dprinting 3ddesign
Folksonomies: 3dprinting 3ddesign
  1  notes
Chuck Stover worked a factory job making Cadillac suspensions. That repetitive job gave him the ability to think about 3D design.
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 How the American Revolution Sparked the Enlightenment

The simple dictates of good sense had taught the inhabitants of the British colonies, that men born on the American side of the Atlantic ocean had received from nature the same rights as others born under the meridian of Greenwich, and that a difference of sixty-six degrees of longitude could have no power of changing them. They understood, more perfectly perhaps than Europeans, what were the rights common to all the individuals of the human race; and among these they included the right of no...
Folksonomies: enlightenment revolution
Folksonomies: enlightenment revolution
  1  notes

The war between two enlightened nations spread to France.